Panther Athletics for 9/16-9/21
Tuesday 9/17 - JH Volleyball @ Home vs Idalia- 3:00 PM
Order of Games: JH - C, B, A
Thursday 9/19 - Volleyball @ Limon - 4:30 PM (Both gyms will start at 4:30)
Order of Games:
Gym 1 - JV/V
Gym 2 - JH - A, B, C
Friday 9/20- HS Football @ Miami-Yoder - 7:00 PM
Panther Athletics for 9/9-9/14
Monday 9/9 - HS Boys Golf @ Sterling - 9:00 AM
Friday 9/13- HS Boys Golf @ Akron - 4:00 PM
Thursday 9/12 - Volleyball @ ECA- 4:00 PM
Order of Games:
JH - B, A
HS - JV, V
Saturday 9/14 - Volleyball @ Hi-Plains - 1:00 PM
Order of Games:
JH - A
HS - JV, V
Saturday 9/14- HS Football @ Hi-Plains - 4:00 PM
Panther Athletics for 9/2-9/7
Friday 9/6 - HS Boys Golf @ Burlington - 9 AM
Saturday 9/7 - HS Football @ Cheraw - 7:00 PM
Panther Athletics for 8/29
We have added a C game to the JH volleyball games at home vs. Deer Trail - 3:00 PM
Order of Games:
JH - C, B, A
HS - JV, V
Help us determine our CORE VALUES. It is important to us to involve all our stakeholders in the culture at our school. Core values should never be compromised and we would like students, staff, parent and community members to give us their input on what our 5 core values should be a Flagler Public Schools. Survey link:
Panther Athletics for 8/26-8/31
Thursday 8/29 - HS Boys Golf @ Swink - 5 PM
Friday 8/30 - HS Boys Golf @ Holyoke - 9 AM
Thursday 8/29 - Volleyball at home vs. Deer Trail - 3:00 PM
Order of Games:
JH - B, A
HS - JV, V
Saturday 8/31 - HS Football @ Hanover - 1:00 PM
Panther Athletics for 8/19-8/24
Tuesday 8/20 - HS Boys Golf @ Limon - 9 AM
Friday 8/23 - HS Boys Golf @ Cheyenne Wells - 9 AM
Saturday 8/24 - Volleyball tournament at Miami-Yoder - 9:30 AM - HS Varsity & JH A Team - 3 games each
Saturday 8/24 - HS Football Scrimmage at Hanover School - 10:30 AM
Is your class schedule complete and accurate? If not check the form you received at the end of the year for class options from Mr. Packer and email the office at and or stop by the school if you have any changes or did not submit your classes (High School only). Also SPORTS PHYSICALS must be complete and turned into the office before you may practice.
Boys Golf Season is quickly approaching. Please text Coach Huelskamp at 719-740-8091 if you are thinking about playing this season, so he can put together a practice schedule.
State Track Sendoff
The track team leaves for the state track meet at 10am on Friday May 17. Line main street and send them off in style. Run fast, Jump high. Go Panthers!!!
Reminder: Class Night is tonight starting at 7:00 p.m. We will begin the evening with some all school awards including MAPS increases and announcing and recognizing our top 3 Panther Cup teams before proceeding to the Academic Awards for 7-12 grade. Please join us to celebrate our students and their achievements. We know it is a long night, so if you have younger students who love the Panther Cup and are excited about who will win, they are encouraged to attend but may leave after that portion of the evening.
Panther Gear
Celebrate the last day of school and get ready for summer by ordering some Flagler merchandise. Use the link below to go to the Flagler Sideline store and get some merch. Check out the close out deals for some great prices!
Go Panthers!!
State Track: Brayden Hill qualified for High Jump and will jump at 1:00 pm on Saturday. Sydnie Berry qualified in Long Jump and will jump at 8:30 am on Saturday. The girls 4x400 team of Nayvee Brent, Sydnie Berry, Jenna Schier, and Belle Schier qualified and will be running at 4:45 pm on Saturday
Go Panthers!!!!!
Athletic Banquet: The banquet has been moved to Tuesday at 6:30 in the cafeteria. We will be providing ice cream and brownies.
Go Panthers!!
Reminder: HS football meeting at 6pm in Ms Bode room. Both parents and students are welcome
Go Panthers!!!
Reminder: On Tuesday, April 16 there will be a HS football meeting at 6:00 pm in Ms Bode's room.
8th grade through 11th grade boys
Flagler Athletics for 4/15-4/20
Dick Evans Invitational Track Meet @ Wray
9:00am- 4:00pm
Burlington MS Track Meet @ Burlington
10:00am- 3:30pm
Stratton Girls Golf Tournament @ Stratton
4/20- Saturday
Dave Spiller Invitational HS Track Meet @ Strasburg
9:00am- 5:00pm
Our Burlington track meet scheduled for April 25th has been moved to Friday the 19th. We have been invited and are adding a meet held in Limon hosted by Kiowa on April 23rd. We will leave at 11 a.m again for that one.
Thank you all!
Shelby L.
Track T-shirts for sale
$20 each
Black long sleeved shirt
Order form at the office
Due by Wednesday April 17
Go Panthers!!
The HS football meeting for tonight(April 9) at 6:00 pm has been moved to April 16 at at 6:00pm.
Go Panthers!!